Authenticity Awakening Boost

An 8 Week transformational experience

Access the source of your truthful expression 

Nourish your body with aliveness, freedom, and love  

Strengthen your authentic voice and presence

Authenticity Awakening Boost

The Purpose of this experience is to connect deeper within, making space within as well as around you, to give yourself the permission to express the most truthful version of our essence, unfiltered, unhidden, seen in its fullest.

Let yourself be who you really are, as you are. Your expression is a big gift for the world. 

In this experience, you will learn about the blockages that condition your expression and get tools to overcome them. If you are looking for a deep and transformative experience to support more freedom and aliveness in your life, then this is the place for you.

We create a tailor made process together where you will also access many tools to strengthen your unique voice and expression, in a safe, healing and creative environment. 

In Person Sessions in Israel (Ein Hod) and Barcelona For English, Spanish and hebrew speakers

Topics that we will focus on?

A bit about me and the journey with Authenticity​

נגן וידאו

What will you receive? 

Support, Feedback & Accountability

Whatsapp-based availability gives you access to personalized counseling and strengthens feelings of togetherness and supportiveness. So that you keep developing, keep trusting and feel supported in any question that arises during the process.

6 private 1-1 Movement sessions of 90 minutes

We meet once a week. In these movement sessions we dive into what can support you the most to achieve balance and alignment with your deepest truth. The sessions will be a combination of guided embodiment practices and individual counseling.

(Bonus) The best 10 professionally edited pictures, 1 of them printed.

The photos can always serve as a navigational beacon, and the printed photo can be used as supportive Totem for your continued journey

(Bonus) 1 Photo Reflection 1-1 Session

We meet the person in the photos together and access the wisdom of reflecting on them to extract the essence of your expression and to support and strengthen the self-image.

(Bonus) 1 Photo and Movement 1-1 sessions of 2h

A guided therapeutic movement session including capturing of images for later reflection.

The value for this 8 weeks Program is 4300 ILS 

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. 


Each and every one of us has a very unique and beautiful expression, but we usually have many mechanisms that we have cultivated over the years that prevent it from coming out. 

For many years I have been very curious and attracted to research and discovering deeply about the relationship between Authenticity, Beauty, Expression, the Body, and Truth. Many years passed until I created something that really supported me in connecting to that Authentic Expression, and, as a result of that, I had a very strong wish to share it with others so they could also experience it. 

This experience is highly recommended for postpartum women, for Hightech management people, for leaders and people who wants to go deeper in their truth, growth and transformation in their path. 

Book your 20 minutes Exploration Call so that we can feel better if this is for you!